Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grace in Small Things - 32 of 365

1. The ability to walk away from GiST for a little while, but still finding joy in my daily existence. Also, knowing I can return to GiST and it will be as comfortable as walking into a good friend's kitchen.

2. My daughter's love of tiaras. I bought some to toss from the Mardi Gras float but they never got thrown and she adores them. I think I may wear one today!

3. Finding out that a friend I have been missing terribly, is missing me too. And deciding that I will go visit her in June! Now to tell Hubby....

4. Getting to the end of a knitting project that I've been fighting, only about 14 more rows and I can cast on a new project! I need to learn how to work two socks at the same time, this second-sock-syndrome is a killer!

5. Going for a ride around the neighborhood on our "family bike" that seats four! It's like a big tricycle with two front seats for the parents and a bench on the back that can seat two kids (yes, it has seatbelts for the kids!).


Montreal Mama said...

That bike sounds neat!

What's GitS?

Lara said...

I definitely have "second sock" syndrome, too. Argh.